February 2b
Friday February 2nd 9:30pm, Etherington Auditorium

Filthy Gorgeous, The Trannyshack Story
Sean Mullens/USA/2005/video/90min

Take a walk on the wild side with Filthy Gorgeous, The Trannyshack Story. If you have ever entered The Stud in San Francisco on a Tuesday night, you have walked into a bizarre universe of outrageous performances, elaborate costumes, and extreme artistry that is unlike any other drag show on earth.

The bastard brainchild of drag superstar Heklina, Trannyshack began life a decade ago as a venue to dish out some drag attitude drenched in debauchery and subversion. Today, the night has become a hothouse of drag creativity that pushes the form in every possible direction - from rap drag to heavy metal and high performance masochistic art.

Mullens' fierce documentary recounts the history of Trannyshack, with performances from fabled theme nights such as the delirious 'Cracked Out Divas,' and 'Weapons of Ass Destruction,'. The film also features cameo appearances from Trannyshackers past and present including Justin Bond from Kiki and Herb and Ana Matronic from the Scissor Sisters.

Always creative and quite often jaw-dropping in its shock value, Filthy Gorgeous, The Trannyshack Story is infectiously fun and a great excuse to get your drag on at reelout’s after-party.


Preceded by:

Taco Chick and Salsa Girl
Kurt Koehler/2005/USA/video/15min

A comedy about two Latin American superhero queens who save the world from Neo-Nazi Barbie and White Supremacist Ken.