
The REEL (or Reelout Entertainment and Educational Library) is located at 844A Princess Street (Trellis).

Our library acquires queer, Canadian and international film and/or video on DVD/Blu-Ray formats for the purposes of fostering gender and sexual diversity education to citizens of KFL&A counties who lack accessibility to these resources or may feel isolated from queer culture, or may wish to increase their awareness of LGBTQ2SIA+ issues. Membership to Reelout Arts Project is $20 annually or $40 for agencies/organizations and allows you as a patron access to over 3500+  titles ranging from documentaries, short films, dramas, camp/cult classics, to iconic examples of queer representation in Hollywood cinema.  You can check out a list of most of our films, we use MyMovie to digitally catalogue and there are many films the system doesn’t recognize, so please reach out if there is a film you’re looking for that’s not on TheREEL_Collection

We also have a small collection of LGBT/Film related books and our reading collection can be found on our Goodreads page or you can download a PDF listing of books available.

The library is open by appointment.

Call (613) 549-REEL for more details.  You can also check out Classic Video on 40 Clarence Street for any LGBT titles you may be searching for – they have a very large PRIDE section. You can call Classic Video at (613) 542-3900.