OUT IN THE NIGHT d. Blair Dorosh-Walther/75min/USA/2014
OUT IN THE NIGHT is a documentary that tells the story of a group of young friends, African American lesbians who are out, one hot August night in 2006, in the gay friendly neighborhood of New York City. They are all in their late teens and early twenties and come from a low-income neighborhood in Newark, New Jersey. As the friends walk under the hot neon lights of tattoo parlors in the West Village, an older man sexually and violently confronts them and a fight begins, captured by security cameras nearby. As the fight comes to an end, all get up and walk away. But 911 has been called and the man involved has been stabbed. Police swarm to the scene as their radios blast out warning of a gang attack. The women are rounded up and charged with gang assault, assault and attempted murder. Three of the women plead guilty. But Renata, Patreese, Venice and friend Terrain claim their innocence. They are called a “Gang of Killer Lesbians” by the media. In activist circles they become known as The New Jersey 4.
Preceded by:
PRISON ARABIC IN 50 DAYS – d. John Greyson/Canada/4:30min/2013/Arabic and English
On Aug 16, 2013, Canadian filmmaker John Greyson and Palestinian-Canadian doctor Tarek Loubani were detained without charges in Cairo’s Tora Prison. During their 50-day detention, John created these flash cards as a diary of their experiences. Following an international grassroots campaign, they were released on October 7, and returned to Canada on October 13. This video is dedicated to the many who spoke out for their release, and for the many who are still behind bars.
Community Sponsor: QCRED Queen’s Coalition Against Racial and Ethnic Discrimination
Thursday February 5th 7pm
OUT IN THE NIGHT d. Blair Dorosh-Walther/75min/USA/2014
OUT IN THE NIGHT is a documentary that tells the story of a group of young friends, African American lesbians who are out, one hot August night in 2006, in the gay friendly neighborhood of New York City. They are all in their late teens and early twenties and come from a low-income neighborhood in Newark, New Jersey. As the friends walk under the hot neon lights of tattoo parlors in the West Village, an older man sexually and violently confronts them and a fight begins, captured by security cameras nearby. As the fight comes to an end, all get up and walk away. But 911 has been called and the man involved has been stabbed. Police swarm to the scene as their radios blast out warning of a gang attack. The women are rounded up and charged with gang assault, assault and attempted murder. Three of the women plead guilty. But Renata, Patreese, Venice and friend Terrain claim their innocence. They are called a “Gang of Killer Lesbians” by the media. In activist circles they become known as The New Jersey 4.
Preceded by:
PRISON ARABIC IN 50 DAYS – d. John Greyson/Canada/4:30min/2013/Arabic and English
On Aug 16, 2013, Canadian filmmaker John Greyson and Palestinian-Canadian doctor Tarek Loubani were detained without charges in Cairo’s Tora Prison. During their 50-day detention, John created these flash cards as a diary of their experiences. Following an international grassroots campaign, they were released on October 7, and returned to Canada on October 13. This video is dedicated to the many who spoke out for their release, and for the many who are still behind bars.
Community Sponsor: QCRED Queen’s Coalition Against Racial and Ethnic Discrimination
Kingston, Ontario K7L 5M6 Canada + Google Map