This collection of experimental, narrative and documentary short films are both wildly diverse and yet complimentary in chronologically examining the choices and crossroads women encounter through their lives.
Birth of a Beautiful Butch d. Gia-Rayne Harris/2021/USA/3:00
Alex, a gay high school senior, is caught between who she is and what she’s supposed to be. On the day of her school pictures, Alex feels struck with an appearance that doesn’t fit right with her body. When she retreats into her mind, she is able to imagine the person she wants to be. Ultimately, she transcends the judgment of others through fashion in an authentic expression of herself.
D for Daughterd.Christine Zivic/2021/Canada/16:15
D, a teenage girl used to living with her single dad, encounters his one night stand, triggering some unexpected feelings.
Sapphic Dating for Rural Victoriansd. Elissa Weir/2022/Canada/8:08
Violet, a queer woman living in Victoria B.C., wants to ask her crush, Saph, out on a date, but Voce, the anthropomorphized voice in her head, keeps feeding her facts that deplete her confidence. So stuck in her own head, Violet misses Saph’s attempts to reach out and return Violet’s affections.
Flod. Stéfy McKnight/Canada/2022/3:50
My sister was told by a doctor that she could not have a hysterectomy unless she had permission from her boyfriend. Drawing on the impact of anti-abortion legislation in the United-States, and the use of period tracking applications to track estrogen producing bodies across North America, flo playfully disrupts and turns the hetero-patriarchal, colonial, misogynist and queerphobic white surveillant gaze onto itself. Inspired by contemporary media and solidarity movements online, specifically in so-called Canada, flo highlights the ways that bodies who can become pregnant continue to be victims of systemic violence and patriarchy.
Lavender: A Lesbian Love Story d. Jordana Valerie Allen-Shim/2022/Canada/14:59
By accepting a lavender marriage proposal, Joy risks her secret relationship, forcing her to choose between appeasing her family and true love.
13 Eggs d. TJ Cuthand/2022/Canada/14:10
Over four years I collected footage to talk about my experience trying to make a baby. I managed to freeze 13 eggs. I stopped halfway through making this work because I failed and had to figure out how to make a film about failing in this commonly shared life goal. Grieving people who never were is harder than it seems.
Mum Singh d. Karan Singh/2021/Canada/21:00
A family is confronted with the daunting choice of whether to support a parent as part of the household or to move them to an old folks home. The grandmother, Mum Singh, thrives as part of her daughter’s family, particularly bonding with her granddaughter Norah. What will happen when her daughter and daughter-in-law decide to put her in a care home? Clash of cultures, care of the elderly, and four women trying to make sense of their unraveling family.
The Beautiful Room is Empty d. Kalil Haddad/2020/Canada/19:52
“Haddad’s The Beautiful Room is Empty explores the loaded memories of space through his aunt, Marie, (re)visiting her childhood home and recalling the abuse she endured there. […] What have the walls been listening to? What have they absorbed, retained, and released upon a return, a farewell?” – Sarah Sarofim, Canadian Art
Friday February 3rd
6pm The Women are Speaking: Shorts Program
This collection of experimental, narrative and documentary short films are both wildly diverse and yet complimentary in chronologically examining the choices and crossroads women encounter through their lives.
Birth of a Beautiful Butch d. Gia-Rayne Harris/2021/USA/3:00
Alex, a gay high school senior, is caught between who she is and what she’s supposed to be. On the day of her school pictures, Alex feels struck with an appearance that doesn’t fit right with her body. When she retreats into her mind, she is able to imagine the person she wants to be. Ultimately, she transcends the judgment of others through fashion in an authentic expression of herself.
D for Daughter d. Christine Zivic/2021/Canada/16:15
D, a teenage girl used to living with her single dad, encounters his one night stand, triggering some unexpected feelings.
Sapphic Dating for Rural Victorians d. Elissa Weir/2022/Canada/8:08
Violet, a queer woman living in Victoria B.C., wants to ask her crush, Saph, out on a date, but Voce, the anthropomorphized voice in her head, keeps feeding her facts that deplete her confidence. So stuck in her own head, Violet misses Saph’s attempts to reach out and return Violet’s affections.
Flo d. Stéfy McKnight/Canada/2022/3:50
My sister was told by a doctor that she could not have a hysterectomy unless she had permission from her boyfriend. Drawing on the impact of anti-abortion legislation in the United-States, and the use of period tracking applications to track estrogen producing bodies across North America, flo playfully disrupts and turns the hetero-patriarchal, colonial, misogynist and queerphobic white surveillant gaze onto itself. Inspired by contemporary media and solidarity movements online, specifically in so-called Canada, flo highlights the ways that bodies who can become pregnant continue to be victims of systemic violence and patriarchy.
Lavender: A Lesbian Love Story d. Jordana Valerie Allen-Shim/2022/Canada/14:59
By accepting a lavender marriage proposal, Joy risks her secret relationship, forcing her to choose between appeasing her family and true love.
13 Eggs d. TJ Cuthand/2022/Canada/14:10
Over four years I collected footage to talk about my experience trying to make a baby. I managed to freeze 13 eggs. I stopped halfway through making this work because I failed and had to figure out how to make a film about failing in this commonly shared life goal. Grieving people who never were is harder than it seems.
Mum Singh d. Karan Singh/2021/Canada/21:00
A family is confronted with the daunting choice of whether to support a parent as part of the household or to move them to an old folks home. The grandmother, Mum Singh, thrives as part of her daughter’s family, particularly bonding with her granddaughter Norah. What will happen when her daughter and daughter-in-law decide to put her in a care home? Clash of cultures, care of the elderly, and four women trying to make sense of their unraveling family.
The Beautiful Room is Empty d. Kalil Haddad/2020/Canada/19:52
“Haddad’s The Beautiful Room is Empty explores the loaded memories of space through his aunt, Marie, (re)visiting her childhood home and recalling the abuse she endured there. […] What have the walls been listening to? What have they absorbed, retained, and released upon a return, a farewell?” – Sarah Sarofim, Canadian Art
Community Sponsors: The Beaver Lodge, & CFMDC
Kingston, Ontario K7L 5M6 Canada + Google Map